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A publication produced by the students of
Betty Hosack, Editor Patricia Foust, Business Manager
With a sure purpose born of four years' living at Indiana, the graduating class of 1952 approaches its goal, to join the ranks of those vitally important persons, the teachers of Pennsylvania.
It is to the Senior class, the future teachers of the commonwealth who stand ready to begin their chosen work, that we dedicate this book.
May you accept it as our pledge to you that all the vivid memories you cherish of your Indiana days will continue from year to year. We look forward to the time when we, too, will become a part of the college tradition, when we will join you in the schools of Pennsylvania.
campus views
"We Love The Halls of Ivy"
Art students peruse the PENN between classes.
They're not really thirsty, they just like to talk.
"It's a lovely day today," with Clark Hall's roof gleaming in the sunlight.
From early Grecian times, the world has recognized the
importance of democracy. Cooperation between the college administration and the students puts democratic ideals into practice in campus government.
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Dr. and Mrs. Pratt in their apartment.
For more than three quarters of a century, Indiana has been preparing teachers for the public schools of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Throughout the years this has been an honored and important undertaking. The roots of our democratic system have been nurtured and strengthened by our public school system. The public recognition of the impor- tance of education in a democratic society has ele- vated teaching to a professional status of great importance in our society.
The future of the nation, and indeed of the world, depends today upon an educated citizenry. The challenges confronting our democratic way of life have been, and will be in the future, successfully met by our educational system. The preservation of democracy in America can be credited largely to the
Mary L. Esch, Registrar
William Schuster, Business Manager, Ond John Lingenfelter, Treasurer of the Student Cooperative Associa- tion.
loyalty and selfless service of the teachers in our public schools. The future of America can only be assured if we prepare well-qualified teachers to inculcate in the youth of our land the democratic ideals for which America stands.
Teaching in the future assumes an even greater role in the destiny of mankind. Teachers will be called upon in the years ahead, not only to preserve democracy throughout the world, but to bring sup- pressed peoples everywhere the "truth that shall make them free". We know that only in an enlight- ened world can there be peace and stability which all men covet.
Indiana is one of the chief institutions in the country whose sole responsibility is to prepare young men and women to be teachers of tomorrow, equipped not only to preserve the tenets of democracy at home but to carry the light of knowledge and truth throughout the world. .
John E. Davis, Director, Keith School Student Teaching and Placement.
f \
Walter M. Whitmyre, Dean of Men, and Martha C. Faust, Dean of Women
Dr. Ralph E. Heiges, Dean of In- struction, and Ralph E. Beard, Assist- ant Dean of Instruction.
Guiding the college careers of future Pennsylvania teachers is a job that re- quires the wisdom of experience, abil- ity to make decisions, and coopera- tion. The administrative staff not only must be familiar with the individual records of students, but also must handle finances and public relations of the college. Through all this, their personal interest gives us confidence that we are on the right track toward taking our places in the schools of the commonwealth.
(. Attcl
Leroy H. Schnell, Veterans' Coun- House Mothers: Miss Lola Beeiar Arthur F. Nicholson, Director of Pub-
sellor. Director of Student Aid and Lewis; and Mrs. Violet Baldwin, Stella Beam and Lillian Al Butler, |ic Relations aid coordinator of Coordinator of Military Affairs. Clark. Head Residents. campus publications.
Opportunities to specialize in one or more of the art fields, and at the same time to acquire a broad cultural background, comprise the Art Department curriculum. Outside actual classroom work, the de- partment activities center around the Art Club and its subdivisions, the Crafts Guild and the Photography Club. This year we enjoyed a spirited Christmas party, staged the annual Beaux Arts Ball in April, with an "Arabian Nights" setting, and held the clothesline exhibit of paintings at Swing Out. Officers of the Art Club are Bill Pasternak, president; Tom Lehnert, vice-president; Joann Wehler, secre- tary; and Paul Erickson, treasurer.
Art students welcome freshmen.
Miss Dorothy Murdock, Miss Blanche T. Waugaman, Mrs. Alma M. Gasslander.
Ralph W. Reynolds, Edgar J. Trapp, Dr. Orval Kipp (Director).
The coordinating organization of the Business De- partment is the Junior Chamber of Commerce, which sponsors a Business Institute in the fall and the an- nual Merchandise Fair in the spring. Business students work with local merchants in planning and operating display booths for the event. Officers of the JCC are Charles Baltzer, president; Leonard Motto, vice-president; Barbara Robertson, recording secre- tary; and Shirley Hager, treasurer. Advisers ore Elsie Rineer and James K. Stoner.
James K. Stoner, G. G. Hill (Director), Mrs. Elsie G. Rineer, Dr. Clinton M. File.
Harold W. Thomas, Albert Drumheller, Robert F. Webb.
JCC "Moms and Dads" entertain.
home economics
Home Ec girls enjoy a joke.
The department's activities center around the Home Ec club and their afFiliates in the Freshman Home Ec club. Main event on the social calendar for this year was "Merry-Go," a formal dance in March, at v/hich juniors honored seniors. Apron sales, bake sales and a tea for visiting Future Homemakers of America were also highlights. The frosh included Willard Home in their social service work. OfFicers for the Home Ec club are Mary Ann Firment, presi- dent; Janet Miller, vice-president; Joan Hill, recording secretary; Mira Heerlein, corresponding secretary; Norma Cagley, treasurer; Helen Loftis, adviser. Freshman ofFicers are Nancy Abbey, presi- dent; Pat Vogan, vice-president; Donna Orr, secretary; Jackie Madison, treasurer; Opal T. Rhodes, adviser.
Mrs. Elizabeth LaVelle, Miss Leola T. Hayes, Miss Rachel D. Moss.
Dr. Opal T. Rhodes (Director), Miss Anna M. Gorman, Miss Helen Loftis.
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Miss Helen E. Merriman, Miss Mil- dred E. Omwake, Miss Ethel Oxiey, Mrs. Fannie Smith.
Miss Arvilla Terrill, Miss Laura M. Remsburg, Miss Agnes M. Bothne, Miss Catherine C. Carl.
Miss Aagot M. K. Borge, Miss Lola Beelar, Mrs. Esther S. Coulange.
Jerome Landsman, Lawrence C. Stitt, Charles E. Davis, C. David McNaughton.
Walter W. York, Dr. Clel T. Silvey (Director), Robert W. Burggraf, Thomas J. Hughes.
Some real Dixieland features the Music Department's Christmas party.
The hA'o-fold function of the Music Department is the preparation and de- velopment of public school music teachers and extra-professional music education. All music majors are members of the Music Educators' Club. Two representatives from each class and the officers of the club comprise the Music Student Council, which meets separately and with the faculty to discuss problems and plan activities. Officers of the club are Charles Ry- backi, president; Paul Thompson, vice-president; Gwen Lewis, secretary- treasurer; Clel T. Silvey, adviser.
Elementarles gather in the Keith demonstration room for a profes- sional meeting.
The Elementary Education program develops knowl- edges of children of elementary school age and of materials and methods of the elementary school, culminating with supervised participation and student teaching. The Elementary Club is affiliated with the Association for Childhood Education International. This year the club compiled student directories, held a "Welcome Freshmen" party, sponsored profes- sional meetings, and sent delegates to the ACE con- vention in Philadelphia. Officers are Lois Thomas, president; Peggy Kracht, vice-president; Shirley Ort, secretary; Barbara Stonier, treasurer. Irene Russell and Alice St. Clair are club advisers.
Secondary Education is made up of six departments, including English and Speech, Foreign Languages, Geography, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. The division offers a Bachelor of Science de- gree in education to students completing a minimum of 24 hours in a major field and 18 hours in a minor field. Official organization of the division is the Secondary Education Club, which coordinates busi- ness and social activities. James Cornell is president; Richard Froggatt, vice-president; James McKenna, secretary; Dr. Joy Mahachek, adviser.
itary division
idary division
A non-professional Secondary meet- ing in reception lounge.
EDUCATION: S. Trevor Hadley, Miss Anna O'Toole, Dr. Guy P. Davis, Mrs. Blanche W. McCluer.
EDUCATION: Dr. Paul A. Risheberger, Ralph B. Beard (Director), Wilber Emmert, Miss Irene Russell.
GEOGRAPHY: Lawrence C. Davis (Director), Dr. Norah E. Zink.
Dr. Edward W.
LIBRARIANS: Joseph K. Hall (Direc- tor), Lucille Littlefield, Florence Ride- nour.
MATHEMATICS: Dr. Joy Mahach- ek (Director), Dr. Issoc L. Stright.
MILITARY SCIENCE: Lieutenant Colonel Hubert E. Thornber, Major Eugene C. Martin, Captain Victor J. Hawthorne.
MILITARY SCIENCE: Sergeant Richard Lee, Sergeant James O. Dudgeon, Sergeant Charles P. Haes- loop.
Robert E. Ensley, Donald Hess, Mrs. Marian Kipp, James R. Green.
Top Right— ENGLISH and SPEECH: Dr. Rhodes R. Stab- ley (Director), Arthur F. Nich- olson, Dr. Abigail Boardman.
Right — ENGLISH AND SPEECH: Miss Margaret Stew- art, Dr. Maurice Rider, Dr. Galen Besco.
Left— HEALTH AND PHYS- ICAL EDUCATION: Miss Margaret Gisolo, Miss Lena Ellenberger, Miss Malinda Hamblen.
Center Right— HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCA- TION: Samuel G. Smith (Di- rector), George P. Miller, Lewis H. Shaffer, Regis A. McKnight.
Center Left— SCIENCE DE- PARTMENT: Dr. Willis H. Bell, Daniel G. Reiber, Vernon Zeitler, Dr. Beatty H. Dimit.
Bottom Left— SCIENCE DE- PARTMENT: Paul Waddell, Dr. Dwight Sollberger (Direc- tor), Merrill B. lams, Dr. Don- ald Hoffmaster.
Bottom Center— S O C I A L STUDIES: Dr. Albert Wahl, C. M. Johnson.
Dr. Dorcas Hall, W. M. Whitmyre (Director), Miss Florence Wallace.
Sfudent and critic teachers gather informally.
What is teaching like? What does a teacher need to know? How will I know what to expect of children? Is the teaching pro- fession a wise choice for me? Students, looking forward to teaching as a profession, come to Indiana seeking an under- standing of these problems. The John A.M. Keith School provides opportunities for exploratory experiences under guided direc- tion.With the help of capable supervisors, students gain experi- ence as participants in an actual school situation, as well as knowledge through their observation of classes.
Full-time responsible stude_nt teaching translates into teaching power the sum-total of knowledge and experience gained throughout a student's entire college life. The facilities and staff of Keith School are prepared to insure the best in pro- fessional experiences for these future teachers of Pennsylvania.
Director of Student Teaching and Placement: John E. Davis.
Keith School Supervising Teachers: Miss Jane S. Mervine, Robert Cronouer, John E. Davis (Director), Miss Lois Blair, Earl S. Hoenstine, Dr. John Sahli (Princi- pal of Junior High), Miss Kathryn O'Toole.
Keith School Supervising Teachers: D. O. Lott, Miss Lois Anderson, Miss Martha Zimmerman, John E. Davis (Director), Mrs, Elfa M. Porter, Miss Helen McLean, Miss Alice St, Clair, Mrs. Mary Swarts,
With each stroke of the chalk and each spoken thought, we
as teachers will mold the mental, physical, and moral fiber of the future leaders of the commonwealth.
Next year at this time, most of us will be teaching in schools all over Pennsylvania. But we have much to remember about our years at Indiana, dear memories that will recur again and again as we go about our work each day. When we get together, we'll re- call the class prom, "Fall Festival," which was held September 29 in recreation hall. We'll rehash the class outing and picnic, but most of all, we'll remember Swing Out, which was our special weekend in May.
President Jack McGlaughlin
Vice-President Jack Onstead
Secretary Clara Jo Colaianni
Treasurer Howard Fargo
Adviser S. Trevor Hadley
J. Onitead, P. Beal, C. Colaianni, J. McGlaughlin.
J. Dean, M. Bankert, N. Fossler, D. Rosenberg, D. Carson, J. McGlaughlin.
E. Ream, M. Baumgardner, G. Warfel, Holton, J. Culler. Sealed: M. Bollon.
A. Palsy, S. Thomas, M. Russell, R. Slenker, D. Christie.
Favorile spol; outside the dining room.
k ,
J. Adams |
J. Addis |
S. Allen |
A. Altemus |
B. Ardcry |
S. Austin |
B. Barbour |
C. Barger |
A. Barnett |
M. Bartges |
M. Baumgardser |
P. Beal |
M. Bentel |
G. Bentz |
M. Berish |
J. Berrlnger |
N. Billmon |
V. Bindas |
JUDITH C. ADAMS, Johnstown, Music: Alpha Sigma Tau, YWCA, Music Educators' Club, Masquers, "Green Valley" (three act play), Winter Sports Club, Erskine Club (V. Pres. 3), Religious Life Com- mittee, string orchestra, mixed chorus, women's glee club, intra- mural sports. JULIANNE ADDIS, Pittsburgh, Art: Sigma Sigma Sig- ma, OAK, YWCA, Art Club, Winter Sports Club, Religious Life Committee, intramural sports. SHIRLEY MARIE ALLEN, Indiana, Secondary:-Theta Sigma Upsilon, Panhellenic Association (Pres. 3), Secondary Education Club, International Relations Club, "Land of the Bon Bons" (one act play), English-Speech Club, Newman Club, intramural sports. AGNES STADTMILLER ALTEMUS, Indiana, Ele- mentary: A.C.E., Winter Sports Club, YWCA. BETTY L. ARDARY, Curwensville, Elementary: Delta Sigma Epsilon, A.C.E., Winter Sports Club, Methodist Club. SARA EVELYN AUSTIN, Oil City, Elementary: Beta Sigma Omicron, YWCA, A.C.E., Presbyterian Club (Pres. 3), mixed chorus, women's glee club, intramural sports. SUE LOUISE BACON, Commodore, Home Economics: Zeta Tau Alpha, YWCA, Home Economics Club, Intercollegiate Conference on Government, Winter Sports Club, Methodist Club, mixed chorus, women's glee club, intramural sports. DAVID J.
BAGOZZI, Coraopolis, Music: Phi Alpha Zeta, Music Educators' Club, Swing Out, band, mixed chorus, men's glee club, intramural sports. DAVID R. BAIRD, Indiana, Business: Sigma Tau Gamma, Junior Chamber of Commerce, Presbyterian Club. RUTH ANN BAIRD, McKeesport, Elementary: Alpha Sigma Tau, PENN, A.C.E., Winter Sports Club, L.S.A., Women's Varsity "I". BETTY JANE BARBOUR, Pittsburgh, Home Economics: Kappa Omicron Phi (Sec. 4), Zeta Tau Alpha, YWCA, Home Economics Club, Winter Sports Club, L.S.A., Women's Varsity "I". CATHERINE BARGER, Sewickley, Elementary: Beta Sigma Omicron, YWCA (Sec. 3), A.C.E. (Council 3, 4), International Relations Club, Winter Sports Club, intramural sports. ALFRED L. BARNETT, Clearfield, Business: Phi Sigma Pi, Junior Chamber of Commerce, Men's Varsity "I", football, wres- tling. MARIE EVELYN BARTGES, Mercer, Home Economics: YWCA, Home Economics Club, Winter Sports Club, Presbyterian Club, intramural sports. MARCIA JEAN BAUMGARDNER, Johnstown, Elementary: Pi Kappa Sigma (Sec. 3), YWCA, A.C.E., Contempo- rary Dance Group, Winter Sports Club, Presbyterian Club, mixed chorus, women's glee club, intramural sports. PATRICIA ANN BEAL, New Florence, Home Economics: Alpha Sigma Tau (Pres. 3),
S. Bacon |
D. BagozzI |
D. Baird |
R. Baird |
M. Bell |
N. Bell |
K. Bello |
S. Benson |
J. Binney |
E. Bish |
N. Bish |
B. Bishop |
YWCA, Home Economics Club, "Hello Out There" (one act play), Winter Sports Club, Erskine Club, class officer (Sec. 4), intramural sports. MARY JANE BELL, Sharon, Secondary: Alpha Omega Gamma (Sec. 3), Alpha Sigma Alpha, Pcnhellenic Association (Treas. 3), YWCA, Secondary Education Club, International Rela- tions Club (Sec. 4), "Lily" (one act play). Cultural Life Committee, Winter Sports Club, intramural sports. NANCY ARLENE BELL, Mahoningtown, Home Economics: Theta Sigma Upsilon, YWCA, Home Economics Club (V. Pres. 3), Resident Women's League, Winter Sports Club, Erskine Club, Women's Varsity "I", intramural sports. KATHERINE LUCILLE BELLO, Nanty-Glo, Home Economics: Phi Mu, YWCA, Home Economics Club, Methodist Club, Religious Life Committee. SHIRLEY A. BENSON, Meadville, Elementary: Alpha Sigma Tau, YWCA, A.C.E., Winter Sports Club, L.S.A., intramural sports. MARY ANN BENTEL, Aliquippa, Art: Delta Sigma Epsilon, OAK, YWCA, Art Club, Winter Sports Club. Re- ligious Life Committee. GERALDINE BENTZ, Belle Vernon, Ele- mentary: Beta Sigma Omicron, Panhellenic Association, YWCA, A.C.E., Winter Sports Club, Religious Life Committee. MARY BE-
RISH, Altoona, Business: Phi Gamma Beta (Pres. 3), PENN, CUE, Junior Chamber of Commerce, Newman Club, intramural sports. JEAN BERRINGER, Barnesboro, Secondary: Phi Gamma Beta, Secondary Education Club, English-Speech Club, Intercollegiate Conference on Government. NORMA JEAN BILLMAN, Butler, Music: Alpha Sigma Alpha (Sec. 3), YWCA, Music Educators' Club, Winter Sports Club, Erskine Club (Pres. 3), string orchestra, choir, women's glee club. VERNA BINDAS, Grindstone, Business: Beta Sigma Omicron, YWCA, Junior Chamber of Commerce, In- ternational Relations Club, Newman Club, intramural sports. JOHN EDWARD BINNEY, Secondary. EMMA LOUISE BISH, New Bethle- hem, Home Economics: YWCA, Home Economics Club, Methodist Club, Science Club, intramural sports. NANCY BISH, Rimersburg, Home Economics: YWCA, Home Economics Club, Winter Sports Club, Methodist Club, intramural sports. BETTY JANE BISHOP, Rossiter, Business: PENN, YWCA, Junior Chamber of Commerce, Cultural Life Committee, Winter Sports Club, Erskine Club, Women's Varsity "I", intramural sports.
Jeanne MacNeil helps make grammar fun.
E. Bloom P. Broeseker E. Casey
M. Bloom P. Brown J. Catanzaro
C. Bluestone M. Bruce N. Chesney
M. Boering R. Buchanan J. Chobony
EUGENE BLOOM, Curwensvllle, Business: Phi Alpha Zeta (Pres. 3), Junior Chamber of Commerce, Winter Sports Club, Men's Varsity "I", baseball, football, intramural sports. MARIAN LEE BLOOM, Dunbar, Elementary: Phi Gamma Beta (Treas. 3), YWCA, A.C.E., International Collegiate Conference on Government, Winter Sports Club, Newman Club, intramural sports. CAROL MORFORD BLUESTONE, Verona, Elementary: Alpha Sigma Alpha, YWCA, A.C.E., Methodist Club, Women's Varsity "I", intramural sports. MARY JANE BOERING, Indiana, Business: Pi Omega Pi (V. Pres. 4), Junior Chamber of Commerce, Canterbury Club, Future Teachers of America (Pres. 4). MARGARET BOLTON, Wilmerding, Business: OAK, PENN, YWCA, Junior Chamber of Commerce, Masquers, Science Club, Winter Sports Club, Newman Club, Erskine Club, intramural sports. Women's Varsity "I". WILLIAM E. BOYD, Pitts- burgh, Business: Alpha Omega Gamma (Treas. 3), Phi Sigma Pi (Sec. 3), Junior Chamber of Commerce, Winter Sports Club, tennis, intramural sports. DALE E. BOYER, Yatesboro, Elementary: Delta Sigma Nu, A.C.E., Junior Chamber of Commerce, Erskine Club, "Yellow Jack" (three act play). JOAN E. BRADFORD, Aliquippa, Home Economics: Alpha Sigma Tau, YWCA, Home Economics Club,
Winter Sports Club. BARBARA JEAN BRADSTOCK, Vandergrift, Elementary: Zeta Tau Alpha (V. Pres. 3, 4), OAK, YWCA, A.C.E., Religious Life Committee, Girls' Rifle Team, intramural sports. PATRICIA DAWN BRADY, Johnsonburg, Elementary: Beta Sigma Omicron (Sec. 3), A.C.E. (Council 4), Winter Sports Club, Newman Club, intramural sports. PHYLUS BROESEKER, Berlin, Music: Pi Kappa Sigma, Music Educators' Club, Masquers, Winter Sports Club, Erskine Club, mixed chorus, women's glee club. PHYLLIS JEANNE BROWN, Vandergrift, Music: Music Educators' Club Masquers, Swing Out, "Ten Little Indians," "Good-bye, My Fancy" (three act play). Winter Sports Club, mixed chorus, wom- en's glee club. MATTHEW BRUCE, Indiana, Secondary: YMCA, Secondary Education Club, Science Club, Methodist Club, band, intramural sports. ROBERT J. BUCHANAN, Indiana, Business: Phi Alpha Zeta, Junior Chamber of Commerce, Winter Sports Club, Men's Varsity "I", baseball, soccer, intramural sports. ANNA JEAN BUCK, Carroltown, Elementary: Phi Mu, Panhellenic Association, A.C.E., Women's Varsity "I", intramural sports. DONALD LESLIE BUDD, Dickerson Run. Business: Phi Alpha Zeta (Treas. 3), Student Council, Winter Sports Club, Junior Chamber of Commerce, Col-
M. Bolton |
W. Boyd |
D. Boyer |
J. Bradford |
B. Brodstock |
P. Brady |
A. Buck |
D. Budd |
L. Burgo |
J. Caletri |
J. Callis |
D. Cannizzaro |
D. Christian |
D. Christie |
F. Clark |
M. Claypool |
H. Clepper |
C. ColaiannI |
lege Lodge Committee, class officer (Pres. 3), band, intramural sports, YMCA, Religious Life Committee. L. RONALD BURGO, Johnstown, Secondary: Delta Sigma Nu, YMCA, Secondary Edu- cation Club, International Relations Club, Science Club, intramural sports. JOSEPH J. CALETRI, Mount Pleasant, Secondary: Alpha Omega Gamma (Treas. 4), Phi Sigma Pi (V. Pres. 3, Pres. 4), Secondary Education Club, International Relations Club, Men's Varsity "I" (Sec. 4), football. JOHN W. CALLIS, Hollidaysburg, Secondary: Phi Alpha Zeta, YMCA, Secondary Education Club, Photography Club, Winter Sports Club, Men's Varsity "I", soccer, swimming. DOLORES CANNIZZARO, Indiana, Secondary: Indiana Student Writes, Secondary Education Club, Masquers, "Ah! Wil- derness", "Pygmalion", "State of the Union" (three act plays), English-Speech Club, Contemporary Dance Group, Newman Club, Sigma Alpha Eta (Treas. 4). EMORY G. CASEY, Indiana, Elemen- tary. JOSEPHINE CATANZARO, Pittsburgh, Elementary: Delta Sigma Epsilon, OAK, PENN, Student Council, YWCA, A.C.E. (Council 2, 3), Winter Sports Club, Newman Club. NANCY CHES- NEY, Indiana, Secondary: Phi Mu, Secondary Education Club, intramural sports. JOHN CHOBANY, Portage, Secondary: Sec-
ondary Education Club, A.C.E., Science Club, soccer, intramural sports. DAN WAYNE CHRISTIAN, Pittsburgh, Business. DAVID R. CHRISTIE, Greensburg, Business: Gamma Delta Rho (V. Pres. 3), Pi Omega Pi, Phi Alpha Zeta (Treas. 3), Junior Chamber of Com- merce, Cultural Life Committee, Winter Sports Club, intramural sports. FRANK M. CLARK, Punxsutawney, Secondary: Sigma Alpha Eta (Sec. 3, Pres. 4), Delta Sigma Chi, CUE, Secondary Education Club, Masquers, "Out of the Frying Pan" (one act play), "The Taming of the Shrew", "State of the Union" (three act plays), English-Speech Club, Science Club, LOIS MARGARET CLARK, Indiana, Elementary: A.C.E., Winter Sports Club, Erskine Club. MARGARET BAYLOR CLAYPOOL, Indiana, Secondary: Phi Gamma Beta, Secondary Education Club, Non-Resident Women's League, (V. Pres. 3), English-Speech Club. HELEN LOUISE CLEPPER, Kit- tanning, Elementary: Beta Sigma Omicron, A.C.E., Winter Sports Club, Erskine Club. CLARA JO COLAIANNI, Arnold, Business: Kappa Delta Pi, Pi Omega Pi (Sec. 3), Alpha Sigma Alpha, Student Coun- cil (Sec. 3), YWCA, Junior Chamber of Commerce (Sec. 3), New- man Club, class officer (Sec. 4), Intramural sports.
G. Cole |
J. Connell |
R. Crispeno |
C. Crosmun |
M. Crum |
N. Cullen |
S. Dahlinger |
L. Darr |
J. Davidson |
J. Dean |
R. Decker |
M. De Faico |
J. Dickson |
D. Dietrich |
E. Dilts |
N. Dombeck |
E. Donovan |
D. Dunmire |
GLENNA CHRISTINE COLE, Washington, Music: YWCA, Music Educators' Club, Winter Sports Club, Newman Club (V. Pres. 3). JANE CONNELL, Cresson, Elementary: A.C.E., Winter Sports Club, Newman Club (V. Pres. 3). HELEN E. CRAWFORD, El Centre, Calif., Elementary: YWCA, A.C.E., Methodist Club, Religious Life Com- mittee. RUDOLPH J. CRISPENO, Freedom, Business: Phi Sigma Pi (Sec. 4), Student Council, Winter Sports Club, Men's Varsity "i" Resident Men's League (Pres. 4), wrestling, intramural sports. CLIFFORD A. CROSMUN, Hillsdale, Secondary: Delta Sigma Nu (Sec. 3), YMCA, Secondary Education Club, Science Club, Winter Sports Club, intramural sports. MAUDE V. CRUM, Elementary. NANCY LEE CULLEN, Somerset, Home Economics: Alpha Sigma Alpha, YWCA, Home Economics Club, Winter Sports Club, Girls' Rifle Team, Women's Varsity "I", life-saving. CHRISTINA CUPELLI, Point Marion, Home Economics: Alpha Sigma Tau, Home Economics Club (Sec. 3), Newman Club, intramural sports. BARBARA CUTH- BERTSON, Bradford, Music Kappa Delta Pi (Pres. 4), YWCA, Music Educators' Club, Winter Sports Club, Erskine Club, Future Teachers of America (V. Pres. 4), Religious Life .Committee, string orchestra, vesper choir, women's glee club. JACQUELINE CUTLER,
Pittsburgh, Music: Pi Kappa Sigma, YWCA, Music Educators' Club, Winter Sports Club, L.S.A., vesper choir, intramural sports. JACK A. DAHLINGER, Pittsburgh, Music: Sigma Tau Gamma, YMCA, Music Educators' Club, Winter Sports Club, Erskine Club, Swing-Out, symphony orchestra, band, Mellowmen, mixed chorus, men's glee club, intramural sports. SYLVIA G. DAHLINGER, Pittsburgh, Art: Art Club, Contemporary Dance Group, Girls' Rifle Team, Newman Club, Religious Life Committee. LOIS MARIE DARR, Somerset, Art: Pi Kappa Sigma, YWCA, Art Club, Winter Sports Club, L.S.A., intramural sports. JOHN L. DAVIDSON, Heil- wood. Business: Alpha Omega Gamma, Junior Chamber of Com- merce. JOHN WILLIAM DEAN, JR., Conemaugh, Business: Phi Sigma Pi (Treas. 3), OAK, Junior Chamber of Commerce (Pres. 3), Cultural Life Committee, intramural sports. ROBERT JOHN DECKER, Aliquippa, Business: OAK, YMCA (V. Pres. 3), Junior Chamber of Commerce, Winter Sports Club, Men's Varsity "I", L.S.A. (Treas. 3), wrestling, intramural sports. MARGARET DE FALCO, McKeesport, Home Economics: Sigma Sigma Sigma, Home Economics Club, Newman Club. ARVETA FEESER DE GAETANO, Littlestown, Busi- ness: Sigma Sigma Sigma (Treas. 3, Sec. 4), YWCA, Junior Cham-
C. Cupelli
A. De Gaetano
N. Ellsworth
B. Cuthbertson T. Delozier H. Erickson
J. Cutler
M. De Simone
W. Evans
J. Dahlinger M. Diana J. Farabaugh
^^> «.
ber of Commerce, Photography Club, Winter Sports Club, women's glee club. Intramural sports. THEODORE CLAIR DE- LOZIER, Roaring Spring, Secondary: Secondary Education Club, Science Club, intramural sports. MARILYN JOY DE SIMONE, New Kensington, Music: Sigma Sigma Sigma, YWCA, Music Educators' Club, Masquers, Swing Out, "Ah! Wilderness" (three act pay). Winter Sports Club, Erskine Club, Religious Life Committee, mixed chorus, women's glee club, intramural sports. MARYANN DIANA, Punxsutawney, Business: Junior Chamber of Commerce, Contempo- rary Dance Group, Girls' Rifle Team, Winter Sports Club, New- man Club, intramural sports. JANET DICKSON, Pittsburgh, Art: Pi Kappa Sigma, Panhellenic Association, Art Club, Winter Sports Club, Canterbury Club (Pres. 3), DOROTHY MAE DIETRICH, Pittsburgh, Elementary: A.C.E., Winter Sports Club. EVELYN M. DILTS, Punxsutawney, Secondary: CUE (Editor 3), YWCA, Second- ary Education Club, English-Speech Club, L.S.A., Erskine Club NINA DOMBECK, Ellwood City, Music: Alpha Sigma Alpha, Music Educators' Club, Masquers, (three act plays, one act plays), New- man Club, vesper choir, mixed chorus, women's glee club. ELCY S.
DONOVAN, Pittsburgh, Elementary: Alpha Sigma Tau (Treas. 3), A.C.E., Extrocurricular Committee, Winter Sports Club, tennis, intramural sports. DAVID A. DUNMIRE, Indiana, Secondary: Delta Sigma Nu, OAK, Secondary Education Club, Science Club, Photog- raphy Club, Winter Sports Club, Methodist Club, intramural sports. NANCY ELLSWORTH, Johnstown, Home Economics: Alpha Sigma Tau (V. Pres. 3), OAK, YWCA, Home Economics Club, Winter Sports Club, class officer (Sec. 3), Women's Varsity "I", symphony orchestra. Religious Life Committee. HOWARD R. ERICKSON, Indiana, Secondary: Phi Alpha Zeta, OAK (Ass't. Editor 2, Editor 3), YMCA, International Relations Club, Science Club, Winter Sports Club, Methodist Club, band, intramural sports. WARREN D. EVANS, Ebensburg, Elementary: OAK, YMCA (Pres. 2, 3), A.C.E., Science Club, Photography Club (Sec.-Treas. 2), Winter Sports Club, Methodist Club, Religious Life Committee (chairman 2, 3). JAMES EDWARD FARABAUGH, Heilwood, Secondary: Alpha Omega Gamma, Science Club, Winter Sports Club, Newman Club, Men's Varsity "I", soccer, intramural sports.
". . . October's bright blue weather"
H. Fargo |
U. Fechek |
J. Fee |
L. Feist |
G. Fritz |
R. Froggatt |
E. Frombach |
E. Fronis |
D. Green |
J. Grenaldo |
J. Gresock |
T. Groves |
HOWARD L. FARGO, Clearfield, Business: Gamma Rho Tau, Pi Omega Pi, Phi Sigma Pi, OAK (Bus. Manager 3), Student Council YMCA, Junior Chamber of Commerce, Winter Sports Club, L.S.A., class officer (V. Pres. 2, Treas. 4), Men's Varsity "I", soccer. URSULA FECHEK, Bobtown, Music: Kappa Delta Pi (Sec. 4), PENN, Music Educators' Club, Contemporary Dance Group, Newman Club, Religious Life Committee, mixed chorus, women's glee club. JO- ANNE FEE, Indiana, Elementary: Phi Mu (Sec. 4), Panhellenic Association (Scribe 3), YWCA, A.C.E., Winter Sports Club, intra- mural sports. LEONARD R. FEIST, Conemaugh, Secondary: Sec- ondary Education Club, Science Club, Newman Club, intramural sports. DOROTHY LOUISE FERENCZ, Indiana, Business: Kappa Delta Pi, Pi Omega Pi, Junior Chamber of Commerce. SUZANNE FINNEGAN, Pittsburgh, Music: YWCA, Music Educators' Club, Newman Club, Religious Life Committee, string orchestra, sym- phony orchestra, mixed chorus, women's glee club. ALBERT DON FLECK, York, Secondary: Phi Alpha Zeta, Swing Out, Winter Sports Club, Methodist Club, Lifesaving. DONNA ALICE FLECK, Indiana, Elementary: Phi Mu, YWCA, A.C.E., Winter Sports Club.
SHEILA ANN FORRESTER, Pittsburgh, Music: Music Educators' Club, string orchestra, symphony orchestra, vesper choir, women's glee club. RUTH FRENCIK, Frank, Elementary: Zeta Tau Alpha, YWCA, A.C.E., International Relations Club, Winter Sports Club, Methodist Club, Religious Life Committee, intramural sports. GEORGIA FRITZ, Indiana, Elementary: Phi Mu, A.C.E., "Liliom" (three act play). Winter Sports Club. RICHARD B. FROGGATT, Portage, Secondary: Alpha Omega Gamma (V. Pres. 3), Phi Sigma Pi, PENN (Bus. Manager 3), Indiana Student Writes, Secondary Education Club (V. Pres. 4), International Relations Club, "Yellow Jack" (three act play), Intercollegiate Conference on Government, L.S.A., football (manager), intramural sports. ERNEST WILLIAM FROMBACH, Johnstown, Art: Delta Phi Delta (Treas. 3), Phi Sigma Pi, OAK, CUE, Art Club, "Liliom" (three act play). Winter Sports Club, football, intramural sports. ELAINE FRONIS, McKeesport, Secondary: PENN, YWCA, Secondary Education Club, "The Whole Town is Talking" (three act play), English-Speech Club, Winter Sports Club, intramural sports. V. JEAN WEIMER GARD- NER, Rockwood, Music: Alpha Sigma Alpha, YWCA, Music Edu-
D. Ferencz |
S. Finnegan |
A. Fleck |
D. Fleck |
S. Forrester |
R. Frencik |
V. Gardner |
J. Geibel |
L. Gelsler |
W. Gennocro |
N. Giles |
R. Grablak |
W. Halavan |
C. Hall |
E. Hall |
R. Hall |
J. Hanford |
D. Hanson |
cators' Club, Erskine Club, vesper choir, women's glee club. JANE YARGER GEIBEL, Butler, Secondary: Alpha Omega Gamma (Sec. 4), Secondary Education Club, Science Club, English-Speech Club, Winter Sports Club. LAURENE GEISLER, Coraopolis, Elementary: Delta Sigma Epsilon (Pres. 3), Panhellenic Association, YWCA, A.C.E., Winter Sports Club, Newman, Club, intramural sports. WILLIAM F. GENNOCRO, Emporium, Business: Phi Alpha Zeta, Junior Chamber of Commerce, International Relations Club (Treas. 3), Intercollegiate Conference on Government, Winter Sports Club, Newman Club, class officer (Treas. 3), football. Men's Varsity "I", intramural sports. NANCY JEAN GILES, Greensburg, Elementary: Beta Sigma Omicron (Sec. 4), YWCA, A.C.E., "Yellow Sheet" (one act play), women's glee club. RICHARD L. GRABIAK, Mount Pleasant, Secondary: Phi Sigma Pi, Secondary Education Club, Newman Club, baseball, football. Men's Varsity "I", intra- mural sports. DORIS GREEN. JOAN GRENALDO, Connellsville, Business: Phi Gamma Beta, Junior Chamber of Commerce, Swing Out, Cultural Life Committee, Winter Sports Club, Religious Life Committee, Newman Club. JOHN GRESOCK, Punxsutawney,
Secondary: Secondary Education Club, Science Club, football. THOMAS E. GROVE, Lock Haven, Music: Swing Out, Music Educa- tors' Club, Methodist Club, Winter Sports Club, string orchestra, symphony orchestra, band, Mellowmen, men's glee club, wood- wind quartet. WILLIAM HALAVAN. CHARLES E. HALL, New Kensington, Secondary: Secondary Education Club, Science Club, (Transferred from Lynchburg College; activities there were: Iota Beta Gamma, Christian Fellowship Club). E. RICHARD HALL, Butler, Music: Music Educators' Club, symphony orchestra, band, Mellowmen, vesper choir, men's glee club. ROBERT A. HALL, New Kensington, Secondary: Secondary Education Club, Science Club, (Transferred from Lynchburg College; activities there were: men's glee club. Christian Fellowship Club). JACK HANFORD, Pit' burgh, Elementary: Indiana Student Writes, A.C.E., Religious Life Com- mittee, "The Crow's Nest", "The Glittering Gate", "The Lost Curtain" (plays), men's glee club, tennis. DARLENE J. HANSEN, Clinton, Art: Alpha Sigma Tau, YWCA, Art Club, Winter Sports Club, Erskine Club, intramural sports.
R. Hargreaves M. Hostetler C. Johnson
M. Hartley W. Houck N. Johnson
O. Hoys H. Huber E. Johnston
D. Hefright J. Huhn J. Johnston
M. Hierholzer R. Hunter W. Jones
M. Hillegass T. Hunter W. Joseph
RACHEL KAUFFMAN HARGREAVES, Johnstown, Home Economics: YWCA, Home Economics Club, L.S.A., intramural sports. MARILYN HARTLEY. OLEN H. HAYS, Duquesne, Secondary: Phi Sigma Pi, Secondary Education Club, English-Speech Club, Intercollegiate Conference on Government, Winter Sports Club, L.S.A., Men's Varsity "I", baseball, basketball, intramural sports. Resident Men's League (V. Pres. 4). DONALD R. HEFRIGHT, Huntingdon, Secondary: Delta Sigma Chi, Secondary Education Club, Inter- national Relations Club, English-Speech Club. MARY ELIZABETH HIERHOLZER, Lakeland, Florida, Music: Music Educators' Club, band, mixed chorus, women's glee club, Newman Club. MARILYN L. HILLEGASS, McKeesport, Elementary: Sigma Sigma Sigma (V. Pres. 4), Student Council, YWCA, A.C.E., Winter Sports Club, Social Life Committee, Resident Women's League (Pres. 3), Erskine Club, Methodist Club, intramural sports. BARBARA JOHNSON HOLLAND, Coalport, Secondary: Theta Sigma Upsilon (Sec. 3), PENN, YWCA, Secondary Education Club, International Relations Club, Intercollegiate Conference on Government, Winter Sports Club, Canterbury Club, intramural sports. LLOYD R. HOLLAND, Geneva, Secondary: Phi Sigma Pi, Secondary Education Club, Masquers, International Relations Club, Swing Out, "Mr. Lincoln's
Whiskers", "Ah! Wilderness" (three act plays), English-Speech Club, Winter Sports Club, Canterbury Club, Religious Life Com- mittee, Intercollegiate Conference on Government, band, mixed chorus, men's glee club. BETTY HOLQUIST, Erie, Music: YWCA, Music Educators' Club, Contemporary Dance Group, Winter Sports Club, L.S.A., Campus Christian Fellowship, string orchestra, symphony orchestra, mixed chorus, women's glee club. BETTY HOLTON, Johnstown, Business: PENN, YWCA, Junior Chamber of Commerce, Methodist Club, Religious Life Committee, vesper choir, mixed chorus, intramural sports. MARY LOU HOSTETLER, Claridge, Home Economics: Alpha Sigma Alpha, YWCA, Home Economics Club, Winter Sports Club, Methodist Club, Women's Varsity "I", intramural sports. WILLIAM HENRY HOUCK, Barnes- boro, Business: Delta Sigma Nu, Junior Chamber of Commerce, Winter Sports Club. H. RONALD HUBER, Ridgway, Secondary: Sigma Tau Gamma, Secondary Education Club, Cultural Life Committee, Science Club, L.S.A., Religious Life Committee, Men's Varsity "I", basketball, football, intramural sports. JANE HUHN, Smithfield, Beta Sigma Omicron, YWCA, Art Club, Winter Sports Club, Religious Life Committee, intramural sports. ROBERT HUGH HUNTER, Philadelphia, Secondary: Alpha Omega Gamma, soccer.
B. Holland S. Hutton E. Karlovich
L. Holland
R. Igo
J. Kauffman
B. Holquist W. Ingols R. Keene
B. Holton J. Ivory A. Kensek
THELMA HUNTER, Madera, Elementary: Beta Sigma Omicron, YWCA, A.C.E., Winter Sports Club, Religious Life Committee. SALLY B. HUTTON, Cherry Tree, Business: Pi Omega Pi (V. Pres. 3), Zeta Tau Alpha, YWCA, Junior Chamber of Commerce (Sec. 3), Assembly Program Committee, Winter Sports Club, Resident Women's League (V. Pres. 3), intramural sports. ROBERT V. IGO, New Florence, Secondary: Secondary Education Club, Science Club. WAIDE INGOLS, Indiana, Business: Sigma Tau Gamma, Junior Chamber of Commerce. JOHN H. IVORY, Cresson, Second- ary: Secondary Education Club, Science Club, Newman Club, Winter Sports Club, one act plays, band, lifesaving. CHARLES HERBERT JOHNSON, Kittanning, Business: Delta Sigma Nu (Treas. 3), Junior Chamber of Commerce, Winter Sports Club, men's glee club. NELLIE MAE JOHNSON, New Kensington, Secondary: Delta Sigma Epsilon, Panhellenic Association (Sec. 3), Sigma Alpha Eta (Pres. 4), Swing Out, "Ah! Wilderness", "Pygmalion" (three act plays). Cultural Life Committee, English-Speech Club, Winter Sports Club, Advisory Board (Sec. 3), class officer (Sec. 2). ED- WIN JOHNSTON, Indiana, Business: Delta Sigma Nu (Treas. 3), Junior Chamber of Commerce, men's glee club. JEAN MARIE JOHNSTON, Corry, Music: Delta Sigma Epsilon, Music Educators'
Club, Swing Out, Winter Sports Club, Methodist Club, mixed chorus, women's glee club, intramural sports. WILLIAM R. JONES, Oakdale, Secondary: Phi Sigma Pi, Secondary Education Club, Methodist Club, Intercollegiate Conference on Government, Winter Sports Club. WILLIAM JOSEPH, Jr., New Kensington, Secondary: Phi Sigma Pi (V. Pres. 3), Interfraternity Council, OAK, PENN, Student Council, Secondary Education Club, Interna- tional Relations Club, Masquers, Swing Out, "A Night at the Inn," "Yellow Jack" (three act plays), English-Speech Club, Winter Sports Club, Intercollegiate Conference on Government, Men's Varsity "I" (V. Pres. 3), football, intramural sports. EDWARD KARLOVICH, Commodore, Elementary: Delta Sigma Nu, YMCA, A.C.E., Winter Sports Club, intramural sports. JAMES H. KAUFF- MAN, Homer City, Business: Junior Chamber of Commerce, Winter Sports Club, intramural sports. RITA KEENE, Rochester, Secondary: Phi Gamma Beta (Pres. 4), Panhellenic Association, YWCA, Secondary Education Club, International Relations Club, Winter Sports Club, L.S.A., Religious Life Committee, intramural sports. ANNE KENSEK, Twin Rocks, Home Economics: Phi Mu, YWCA, Home Economics Club (Treas. 2), Winter Sports Club, Newman Club, Women's Varsity "I", intramural sports.
Students and Lois Thomas read about "just pretend" and real people, too.
S. Kepple J. Kraynak M. Linn
R. Kerr
E. Kreheley
A. Little
G. Kettering T. Kuzman W. Livengood
D. Kimmel W. Lantz M. Long
SHIRLEY M. KEPPLE, Williamsburg, Business: Beta Sigma Omicron, OAK, YWCA, Junior Chamber of Commerce, International Rela- tions Club, Newman Club, Religious Life Committee, Winter Sports Club. RICHARD ALBERT KERR, Penn Township, Secondary: Delta Sigma Nu, Secondary Education Club, Intercollegiate Conference on Government, intramural sports. GRACE H. KETTERING, Ship- pensburg, Home Economics: Beta Sigma Omicron, Home Economics Club, Home Economics Council. DORIS KIMMEL, Berlin, Elementary: Pi Kappa Sigma (Sec. 3), YWCA, A.C.E., Winter Sports Club, L.S.A., intramural sports. HELEN ILENE KINDER, Grove City, Home Economics: Theta Sigma Upsilon (Treas. 2, 3), YWCA, Home Economics Club, Winter Sports Club, Methodist Club, intramural sports. EDITH ANNIE KIRSCH, Evans City, Home Economics: YWCA, Home Economics Club, Women's Varsity "I", Presbyterian Club, intramural sports. GEORGE A. KLIM, Derry, Art: Delta Phi Delta, Delta Sigma Chi (V. Pres. 2), Art Club (Pres. 3), Newman Club. FRANCES H. KORN, Hickory Township, Art: Delta Phi Delta, PENN, Art Club, Winter Sports Club. ROBERT MICHAEL KOSHAN,
Farrell, Music. SOPHIA KOVACH, Vintondale, Elementary: YWCA, A.C.E., Winter Sports Club, intramural sports. JOHN P. KRAYNAK, Glassport, Business: Phi Sigma Pi, Junior Chamber of Commerce (V. Pres. 3), Newman Club, Men's Varsity "I", baseball, class officer (V. Pres. 3), intramural sports. ETHEL KREHELEY, Braddock, Music: Zeta Tau Alpha, YWCA, Music Educators' Club, Contempo- rary Dance Group, string orchestra, symphony orchestra, mixed chorus, women's glee club. Winter Sports Club. THELMA KUZMAN, Greensburg, Secondary: YWCA, Secondary Education Club, International Relations Club, Science Club (Sec. 2, 3, Pres. 4), Assembly Program Committee, Winter Sports Club, Erskine Club. WILLIAM E. LANTZ, Indiana, Secondary: Secondary Education Club, Science Club. MARY LOU LARSEN, Homer City, Business: Sigma Sigma Sigma, YWCA, Winter Sports Club. VERNA LE DONNE, Allison Park, Elementary: YWCA, A.C.E., Winter Sports Club, Newman Club, intramural sports. RAMONA E. LEEPER, Aliquip- pa. Secondary: Phi Mu (V. Pres. 3, Pres. 2, 4), YWCA, Secondary
H. Kinder M. Larson R. Love
E. Kirsch V. Le Donne V. MacKay
G. Klim R. Leeper J. MacNeil
F. Korn M. Leitch A. McCahan
R. Keshan B. Lemmon R. McCardle
S. Kovach
B. Lepley
C. McClellen
Education Club, Science Club, Winter Sports Club, intramural sports. MARY LEITCH, Indiana,